It’s been a very long minute, extending from the old year into the new. Not gonna lie, it’s been a rough time, from the macro — the sickening war in the middle east, the despair-worthy state of American politics (that guy? again?) — to the micro — the deaths of two friends, both surprising. At the same time I had a book come out — THE MAYORS OF NEW YORK — and that meant a lot of events and public stuff, which involves not just the doing of them but the scheduling, co-ordinating, and finding time to write in between them.
That last, I do understand, is a problem many writers would be grateful to have. And I am, too, really I am. But it still takes mental and physical energy to deal with, of which I had not as much as I like to have at book launch time.
Nevertheless, I’m back. Feeling pretty good, having gotten back to a regular sleeping and working out schedule; feeling more hopeful — not optimistic, but hopeful — feeling more — equilibrious?
So you’ll be hearing from me, and right now I leave you with this, which I hope will give you a smile as it gave me one. This is my fabulous great nephew Ben, playing the bass on which he’s very talented and about which he’s very serious, in an inpromptu gathering at a bar in Saratoga Springs after my book event up there. Talented and serious, but also sixteen, and so, hungry all the time.
Nacho usual bass player. ; )
Nice to see him getting some good ceilidh training this side of the pond! Excellent! An' greasin' down the big fiddle at the same time!