I’m hearing this from Trump voters: “Can’t we be friends? Politics is just politics. We can agree to disagree, right?”
Well, okay, maybe we can. My friends and I are people who can count on each other when things are hard. So maybe I can count on you to be with me when I
drive 200 miles to take a raped 14-year-old from an abortion-ban state to a clinic in a state that protects women’s bodies
talk through, with my married gay friends, what documents they’ll need to protect each other and their kids if their marriage is annulled.
sit beside the hospital bed of a rabbi who got beaten up because he wore his yarmulke on the street
stand at the grave of a trans teen who couldn’t take the bullying anymore
cross a subway car to step between a Muslim woman and a group of bros grabbing at her headscarf
hold hands on the human chain around our neighbors’ home to protect them from being deported
take out your phone and record the police murder of yet another unarmed Black teen
If I can, then we can be friends, even though, if these things become necessary, it will be the candidate you voted for who’ll make them so.
But I’m thinking I can’t. I’m thinking right now you’re saying, “Calm down, it won’t come to that.” When it does, it’ll be thing by thing, and there’ll be a reason each one happened, and in your mind it won’t be the torrent of hate Trump will unleash.
If that’s what you’re thinking, no, we can’t be friends, because you don’t want friendship. You want me to extend you grace. You want me to look into your eyes and see past the choice you made to the human within, a person like me who has hopes and fears. Well, I’m looking and I see you. I see a person who allowed their hopes and fears to elect a felon, a rapist, a xenophobe, a homophobe; a man who’ll trample all over the rights — and hopes and fears — of other people.
When you chose him, you chose your friends. I’ll still be civil. I won’t close the door in your face or spit on your shoes. But I will go full mama bear, I promise you, when your friends come for mine.
It's already happening. All of it. If they have bad enough judgment to vote the other way, they'll probably get the weather forecast wrong, too. F*ck 'em.
I could not agree more. It's not just ideas, it's the actions that their vote is advocating. During his first term when I was looking for a professional to perform a service I started asking them who they supported. I told them I did not want to discuss politics but I do not want to work with somebody I can't respect and I can't respect the Trump supporter. Then I would ask him if we have a problem. One person hedged and I thank him and told him I'd look for somebody else. That is my right